I Use Camouflage Creams To Cover About 50% Of My Face To Look "normal" At Work, Can I Depigment My Entire Face To Avoid Daily Makeup?
Hi everyone
I have Vitiligo, which has caused white patches on my brown skin. These patches started appearing when I was 12 years old. My parents took me to a dermatologist in India, who explained that Vitiligo is due to a vitamin deficiency and an autoimmune disorder.
Despite my efforts, the Vitiligo patches have continued to spread across my body. Currently, I use camouflage makeup to cover the patches, especially since they now cover about 50% of my face, to look more "normal" at work.
I'm… read more
Where do you purchase camouflage makeup?
Vitiligo On Hands
I Started Using Opzelura. Curious If Anyone Else Is Using It? How Long Have You Used It And Have You Seen Any Results?
What Can I Use As A Coverage On My Face And Neck To Conceal Vitiligo?