Which Vitiligo Symptom Surprised You The Most?
I learned from my dermatologist that stress causes it to spread which was the case with me and it did spread fast!
For me it was how quickly it spread!
The itching. My doc explained that it can itch when it’s active. Mine itches the most when I’m overtired or stressed.
My vitiligo symptom that surprised me the most is that mine is NOT like what most people and doctors say. Cuts and bruises don’t do anything, stress…nothing. Mine seems to do the exact opposite (or not at all), of what I’ve read…which has made me very annoyed. At least when I read something it helps me to understand what will most likely happen, but when most of that doesn’t pertain to me I’m totally stumped, annoyed and confused. I’ve gotten to a point that I just ignore is as much as possible. I have noticed two things that goes with the norm (per se), that is where I have clothing that rubs it has gotten lighter in (only) two areas. Hence my husband thinking I have a tan line…LOL!
My vitiligo is triggered by stress. I lost my mother, nephew, and father over the course of 4 years and that’s when my vitiligo spread more rapidly. My vitiligo is stable now, so I monitor my stress to try to keep it’s spread at a minimum.
What Other Conditions Did You Get After Getting Vitiligo?
I'm 54y/o Black Woman. I've Been Told That I Looked Like My 30's Or 40's UNTIL My Vitiligo Came. Has Anyone Seemed To Age Faster?
Is Vitiligo A Fungus Causing The Discoloration? Has Anyone Else Been Told That It’s Also Associated With Thyroid Disorders?