What Are The Best Cover Up Creams That People Have Used
Many sites of Vitiligo
I just use foundation with spf on my face while I continue to apply opzelura twice day. For my hands (and everywhere else)) I don't cover it up as it's hard to cover up hands anyways. I explain to everyone who asks that it's vitiligo and my mom has it too.
I'm sorry and I truly empathize with you. Lately while I'm on vacation I've opted to not use makeup and just see if I can feel comfortable in my own skin while o run errands/exercise. It's baby steps for me but the more o do it, the more I think it'll help me accept it I'm trying to have a dialogue in the morning to myself that I am unique and my personality will shine through and to try and make each day a good one. It's hard but I owe it to myself and my loved ones who love me unconditionally 😊
I understand that but I feel like and look like a Dalmatian dog !!!! 😃
Cover Up
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Water Polo