What Is A Recommended Xtrac UV For The House. My Son Doesn’t Have Time To Go To The Doctors Office Three Times A Week.
My daughter went to the dermatologist for 2 years, 2-3 times a week and it was very difficult but we got results from the xtrac machine. She was 99.9% repigmented and then we started noticing spots to return on her knees after 2 years of having her color back. Unfortunately her dermatologist had to get rid of the xtrac machine so we purchased a hand held nbUVB light for our house. We bought ours through Daavlin (https://daavlin.com/) and our insurance didnt cover any of it. BUT it is so nice that she can use it after her activities etc...for instance she was able to do it last night before bed and it was 9:30 and we have already seen her color coming back. She also uses Vitiligo Organics everyday on the white patches and i do think that helps. Im a huge believer that all these anti inflammatory diseases are connected with our gut. We are about to get hers back on track. I honestly think we relapsed with this bc we stopped with all the supplements and the vitiligo organics bc there wasnt any white patches. This go around once all our color has come back we will continue with the organics and at least a probiotic.
Hope this helps some. Best of luck,..there IS HOPE! Dont let anyone tell you there isnt a cure. We have tackled this once and will do it again.
How much and how often can I get full sun exposure?
I would just shop online for clothing with sun protection! It is alot out there, Target and Walmart have quite a few selections
Anyone Try Xtrac Treatment For Vitaligo Or Any Of The Newer Modalities?
Is There A Gene Identified For Vitiligo?
Does Repigmentation That Comes From Uvb Therapy Last ?