Does Hair Grow On Vitaligo Skin...
My hair started becoming more Grey, than white on my white spots. It looks like bald spots.
Mine does. Vit usually has nothing to do with stop hair growth from what I have expereinced.
My hair growth diminishes on all vitiligous area. Most of the hard white areas have no hair at all.
As my eyebrows turn white the white hairs fall out.
In areas that have repigmented the hair returns.
Now that the sun is not so strong now its not as visable
Hi Mary. I have found that as I continually loose pigment, I have noticed that the new hair growth is also very light. Almost white. As I apparently have lost pigment on the front and top of my is actually a beautiful shade of platinum now. The rest is shades of gray! Yuk. Lol.
As far as my arms and legs, etc, are I am fair skinned with aggressive vitiligo, it hasn't been of any concern.
Hope info helps.🤗
What Other Conditions Did You Get After Getting Vitiligo?
I'm 54y/o Black Woman. I've Been Told That I Looked Like My 30's Or 40's UNTIL My Vitiligo Came. Has Anyone Seemed To Age Faster?