Has Anyone Else Run Into Trouble With Getting Insurance To Cover Your Opzelura? If So, How Did Your Medical Team Get It Approved?
Goodness - how big are the tubes? I live in Capetown South Africa & would love the Opzelura but afraid there’s no way I can afford that as my medical aid does not cover any treatment for my vitiligo.
Hi this is Loretta Bush and I work in Dermatology
You can watch a short video Alecia and I did on how to get Opzulara covered and also get free tubes.
It’s on her Facebook I believe and the MN Vitiligo Friends page also.
I highly recommend following Alicia Roufs' recommendations on this topic. She is a wealth of knowledge on this. She is here, on Youtube, IG, Facebook etc. sharing lots of tips on dealing with insurance ins and outs. :)
Hi where are you?
The tubes are 60g. I have I new one and one that has been use twice. Let me know if you’re interested.
Topical Corticosteroids
Has Anyone Been Successful Getting Opzelura?
Has Anyone Here Used Opzelura Or Rinvoq Treatment?