Topical Corticosteroids
Does anyone try opzelura cream?
Thank you for all the information! I will ask my dermatologist for Zeljanz with light therapy! You are so right- the diet is very important as well!
To be perfectly honest, it would depend on what the original cause of the Vitiligo is. Some people have Vitiligo& nothing more. Myself& many others have Vitiligo as a result of another autoimmune diagnosis , I deal with Shrogrens disease which causes vitiligo , Hashimotos throiditis, Lada diabetes,after many other meds& extensive research , i asked my rheumatologist if I can try Zeljanz XR 11 mg, which is what the tablets you refer to are. That , & light therapy which I do 3/ week work remarkably well. I take Zeljanz only 3 days a week, 2 mg. Methylprednisolone 3 days week. Zeljanz is Very powerful& has a large amount of side effects. It does work incredibly well!! When I first tried to take it everyday, my pigment retuned 95 percent! That was with light therapy no topical Opzalura. The topical Opzalura cream was created because you don’t absorb as. I h of the medication systemically which means less side effects! I would maybe find a rheumatologist to run some tests if possible to see what’s the cause of the Vitigo! Autoimmune can go undetected , as it can be subtle in its presentation. I persisted for 1 1/2 years before I found out the problem. It also helps to try & figure out what causes it to spread. For most stress is a big contributer to making that happen. Antiinflammatory diet, gluten& dairy free, no night shade foods, can help get things under control! Hope I was able to help a little🥰
I started with Tactrolimus and steroids. Minimal result. Just started Opzelura
I was using Opzelura cream for 6months with no results at all! After 6months my dermatologist suggested to use the tablets and at this point I am hesitant! ,…
I started using Opzelura on my face and fingers 2 months ago.
(It took a while to get it approved by my insurance - my dermatologist had to keep resubmitting the claim insisting that I had tried other topicals w/o any results. Then It was free with the coupon offered through Opzelura’s website.)
So far I am seeing subtle repigmentation on my face - no change on my fingers and knuckles yet. I am taking photos every month as documentation.
I Can't Get Into A Dernaroligist For 6 MonthsVitiligo Has Spread To My EyelidsI Scratch Them EndlesslyAny Advise On A Cream Ro Stop Itch?
Any One Using Steroids To Treat Their Vitiligo? My New Derm Prescribed Demexadone (spelling). Too Many Side Effects For Me. Anyone Using?
How Did Pregnancy Affect Your Vitiligo ? Did You Stop The Treatment During The First Months Or All Together?