What Do You Use On Hand Spots?
I’m starting to get spots on my hands, in previous dr. appointments I’ve been told hand spots are harder to treat. Anyone have any recommendations?
I use self tanning lotion. Lasts for 2-3 days, doesn't wash off.
I saw this post on Reddit and this lady seems to have had success with hands
Thank you so much! I found that information helpful!
I’m sorry to hear that.
nothing I used worked , I was thinking about trying opzelura . just do not want it to flair anymore
Vitiligo On Hands
Has Anyone After COVID-19 Vaccination Noticed Increase Or Flare Up In Their White Spots?
Hi, Just Started Using Opzelura 7 Days Ago On My Scalp, Face Neck, & Hands. I Learned From Pharmacist That It Doesn’t Work On Hands.true?